Vision Statement
Our Vision Is:
To be a replica church of the book of Acts.
A church that is carrying out the great commission commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ in a bold and audacious way.
A church and ministry that depends solely on the Holy Spirit for everything.
We envision a ministry where the power of God (ministration of the Holy Spirit) is constantly being demonstrated as captured by the early apostles.
A church that is powerful in the written word of God that is revealed by the Holy Spirit.
To be a ministry that is committed to saving the lost and discipling new converts.
A ministry that believes and operates in the fivefold ministry, training and equipping those called by the Lord Jesus to step into their ministerial calling.
To plant new churches under the same anointing and grace that we might win the lost and expand the kingdom of God globally.
To dismantle the kingdom of darkness everywhere the soles of our feet touch and establish the kingdom of heaven by God’s grace (empowerment).